digits, nature
and humans

cellular growth design
biomimetic design? Computer simulation the process of cellular division and duplication! a primitive exploration of the biomimetic design through Rhino/Grasshopper and the recursive process was applied. Year: ...
the things that you don’t know about the Sagrada Familia! How can the structural system designed by the great Antoni Gaudi to be reinterpreted through ...
artificial intelligence for building energy design
How artificial intelligence interfere the building envelop design? Here might be a solution! The core value in the project is integrating the building energy design with ...
Phase Change Material? The innovative solution for building envelops in the era of energy consciousness! This research presents a novel strategy of integrating PCM within the ...
architecture continuity, from material to environment
What are km-0 material and robotic additive manufacturing? The project consisted of computational methods, robotic manufacturing custom made material solutions and performance-based design. The design process ...