
re-interpretation for the detail of the

Sagrada Familia

the things that you don’t know about the Sagrada Familia!

How can the structural system designed by the great Antoni Gaudi to be reinterpreted through today’s new technology?


Based on his design for the unfinished Colònia Güell chapel (1898- 1914), Antoni Gaudí wanted the structure for the Sagrada Família Basilica (1882 – ongoing) to be equilibrium and the load of the force is properly “drained” axially through the columns. Today, while we visit the Sagrada Familia, the catenary arch structure remains to stand and supports the architecture.

In the project, the physical and computational model had both been conducted. Through the process, we do not only step into the beauty of the Sagrada Familia but more important is the possibility in the approach. By the assist of the current technology, a more efficient and complex geometry system can be constructed and it allows us access to an unlimited application.(

Year: June 2018

project credit: Yuchen Chen, Ipsita Datta, Milijove Momcilovic, Cansu Cetin, Rim Youssef, Mateo Proano

Faculty: Mark Burry, Rodrigo Aguirre

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